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Ready to transform? Take charge of your digital employee experience by deploying HR Geckos™ today!

We offer the following supplemental services to all our clients. Contact us for a free 30-minute consultation! We can transform your HR team and your business.


IQ, EQ, and now DQ! How's your Digital Quotient? Let HR Geckos help raise your DQ! Our solutions allow you to leverage your HR data better to recognize trends and guide business decisions that are not only responsive but predictive.

Pre-employment Assessment

We tailor pre-employment assessments for every industry. Let HR Geckos direct your efforts toward strategically mining the best talent.

HR Audit

HR Geckos' audit program identifies areas out of compliance with employment laws and provides insight into HR best practices. Our audit services cover the entire gamut of the Human Resources function and provide information about the competitiveness of your HR strategies.


HR Geckos offers effective digital transformation training programs tailored to your business, including instructor-led in-person workshops, webinars, and on-demand video learning sessions. We offer change management expertise for successful HR technology implementation.